What is an act
of Colonial Hangover?
The end of 20th century has seen a shift from a manufacturing economy to a service economy. Platform economy, a branch of service industry, also called as Gig Economy, pushes its working operations using digital technology as its backbone. The efficiency of the industry is highly depended on how fast the service is delivered by its workers. Despite its seemingly modernized way of service giving, the faced paced work life of its workers and their everyday experiences often remain concealed. One direct example of Platform economy is the food delivery service sector. Through this research I became aware of the fragility of the relationship between the working condition of the Food delivery riders and society which enjoys its labor.
The project raises awareness of the social challenges and precarity faced by these labourers and addresses remnant models of colonial labor. Not only I was amazed at the visible traces of modern-day slavery, but also had a chance to witness this, through the experiences faced by the
riders. The research sheds light on the way slavery’s past and its remnants are preserved, welcomed, and retained in the name of modern-day gig economy labor conditions, being carried into the future.
Its Delivery Time: Master Design Project

The project also insists on bringing the intrinsic value of human dialogue, communication and collaborations, as part of the food delivery service industry. The concept of the project as a model of cultural and social transformations was, infact, one of the my fundamental beliefs. With the help of artisitic and design approaches, I was keen to witness the transformation in the work life of Food Delivery Riders. The kind of work which promotes individualism, deregulation, flexible working hours and impermanent spaces, where mental labor goes hand in hand with physical labor.

Eindhoven with its multi-layered cultural diversity, provides an ideal conceptual framework for this project to start with. The research addresses the daily struggles and dehumanizing experiences of food delivery riders in Eindhoven's public life. Visiting the current hubs of Food delivery companies like Thuisbezorgd, Flink and Deliveroo, and interviewing local and their groups, working in the city, made me feel the urgency of questioning the relationship between the riders and the society which they serve. By questioning the element of design justice, Its Delivery Time addresses the daily struggles and dehumanizing experiences of food delivery riders by providing them with a dedicated space in Eindhoven's public life.
Using my performative design practice, I came up with a hand-pushed cart service, walking through the city, this initiative offers refreshments to cater to riders’ immediate bodily needs and a sense of welcome that challenges their prevailing sense of anonymity in public spaces. By initiating dialogue and belonging between the riders and the general public, Its Delivery Time challenges the typically anonymous and alienated encounters between riders and customers to become meaningful interactions.

Imagining what if Humans decide to live underground in the future?
This Speculative Bio Design approach focuses on the coming future of working on a thermo structure that is inspired from snake skin’s cells and stores and regulates heat in the form of energy. Concept of such a skin layer can help us to rethink on how to build bearable life conditions in the future.
The project explores ways in which the right protein structure with thermal properties, can result in scales wrapped around a fleshy body, like creating a snake skin like effect.
To change the properties of a material, and make it like a skin, I worked with Japanese paper craft that relies on cuts called Kirigami, which is useful to learn so as to make the soft scales. The kirigami scales grip the ground beneath just like a snake’s scales does causing enough friction to hold onto.
Wearable Bio Cells: An Interspecies Design Concept

How to Design a
co-designing practice for Mental Health Patients ?
This long term design approach/practice makes a space for healing, using Color of turmeric, fruit/flower, Smell of berries, Sound of boiling water, and sense of mindfulness while rolling and folding fabrics. The activity brings in the aspect of Care before Cure
Studying GGzE tiny houses project as a starting point, we began our investigation to find a balance between Care and Shelter. Exploring the relationship between Human health and Architecture and how it can shape everything from the environment to our very sense of self. The project is done in collaboration with Boeiendekunst, as part of a workshop using Natural/Eco printing and Dip dyeing technique. Working in a different domestic space in which GGze community live, interact and create, bringing in participation into daily life in a new way.
Co-designing a practice for mental health patients and how this perspective can contribute to everyday environment that support well-being and brings in the aspect of mindfulness. Can space personalisation, using natural colors, be a gesture of care for the GGzE De Boie community and War refugees, in Eindhoven ?
Tiny practice for tiny houses : Co-designing a practice for Mental Health Patients ![]()

Can Microbes be used as a Water Filteration method ?
Cattails, genus name, Typha latifolia is the most familiar and recognisable aquatic plant found in Netherlands. Their swaying brown flower clusters, which looks like a cigar, can be recognised from great distance. They grow in every shallow place in ponds, ditches and lakes and are the most dominant species in the marshes.
This project focuses on experiment in biotechnology by working with microbial assemblage colonies or Biofilm found in the roots of the cattail plant.
The project explores ways in which water can be treated, using aquatic biofilm from the plant and how it can become a wastewater sanitation technique of the future.
Aquatic Biofilm: Concept for a water sanitation technique

What is
Data Harvesting ?
Working with Grow Your Own Cloud, which is a synthetic biology venture and research institution developing DNA data storage in plants and other living organisms, the project workshop was to explore DNA data storage methods and how can we as a Social Designer, bring about a new materiality around data, develop a future scenario.
Data Harvesting highlights a new relationship between Humans and Forests.
Data Harvesting: Urban Data Forest